The Bridge of Sighs is a historic and architecturally distinct structure. Gondolas aren’t designed to move through the water quickly, and getting from the canal to land, Roger Moore apparently fell into the water five times before capturing the scene.
Mark’s Square from the waterway via the adjacent Piazzetta di San Marco, scattering both people and pigeons as he speeds across the historic plaza with many of the onlookers looking perplexed at what’s going on. Mark’s Square, his gondola then converts into a land-capable hovercraft, and Bond enters St. James Bond is taking a relaxing gondola ride before he’s attacked, then all of sudden, his gondola converts into a power boat.Īs he makes it to St. Mark’s Square (Piazza San Marco) is the main public square in this majestical city and it featured heavily in Moonraker. And of course its role in connecting the city’s top attractions, and the quintessential gondola rides that offer visitors a unique vantage point to take in the captivating sights. There are multiples of elegant bridges that span the Grand Canal’s depths such as the Rialto Bridge. Most of these architectural marvels date back to the 13th through 18th centuries, reflecting the prosperity of Venetian families during the Venetian Republic’s heyday. The Grand Canal boasts a rich history and is world-renowned for the centuries-old palaces that grace its banks.